A couple of years ago, my mum noticed a tremor in her left arm. She thought maybe she’d gone too hard on the cappuccinos and took a caffeine detox. Two years later, her doctor gave her a diagnosis. The good news? She can drink as much coffee as she likes. The bad news?
She has Parkinson’s.
Did you know that 80,000 Australians live with Parkinson’s Disease? Do you know what the odds are that my mum has it? They’re 0.003%. But we’re working towards a brighter future and we’re raising funds to get her there. Read her story and find out how you can help.
Here’s a photo of me and my mum. She’s the good sort in pink. Her name is Marion, she’s 53, and she has early onset Parkinson’s Disease.
Parkinson’s Disease is the one that lets you cut sick on the dancefloor. It’s a degenerative disease that affects the nervous system, resulting in tremors and shakes. Michael J. Fox has it. You know the one.

The caffeine detox.
In early 2015, she started complaining about a nervous twitch in her left arm. She was on a cruise and decided to cut down on coffee. When she got home, she spoke to her doctor, but things didn’t get any better.
It took another two years (and a caffeine detox) before she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. She found one of the best neurologists in Australia, and started a rigorous diet, exercise and medicinal regime.
Regaining control.
I think that when people are told bad news, they try to find a way to regain their power and control over the situation. And this is exactly what mum and dad did. They joined a gym and found the sweetest, loveliest Personal Trainer to train them both.
Mohammed is deeply invested in giving them the right training to make mum stronger and fitter so that the Parkinson’s will be easier to manage as she gets older (and the disease gets worse).
She goes to Yoga three times a week to strengthen her core, work on her balance and keep flexible.
And she reluctantly goes swimming with dad (and out laps him) so that she’s coordinated in and out of the pool.
And now she’s walking across Spain.
(And I’m tagging along for a mama-daughter trip! Olé!)
Because why not go to Spain? Why not live your best bloody life while you’ve got it, and explore the world with the people you love whilst raising funds for a great cause?
Camino for a Cure 2018 is a 10-day trek around Spain in September 2018 that helps raise funds for Shake It Up Australia. Every dollar raised will be matched by The Michael J. Fox Foundation to help fund research for Parkinson’s Disease in Australia.
We’re aiming to raise $10,000 – all of which will be donated to a very worthwhile cause.
Because although she’s doing everything right to slow the progression of her disease, there isn’t a cure.
But maybe one day soon there will be.
If you’d like to help us raise $10,000 for Parkinson’s research, you can
If you can’t spare a cent, please share this page with your people on Facebook.
#CaminoForACure #IveBeenInspired

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My husband was diagnosed 4 years ago, at the age of 55 with Parkinson’s Disease. He was a busy High School Principal, who loved life and was always fit and healthy, so the diagnosis was a bolt out of the blue. We are adjusting our lives to live with Parkinsons but it is not easy. I loved your bags, so have ordered 8 as gifts for friends and hopefully they will help towards research for finding a cure for this horrible disease. Enjoy Spain.
Hi Leanne,
I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis! Mum’s diagnosis was a total shock for all of us too. It’s such an uncertain road ahead too and I guess the only thing we can really do for certain is prepare for the worst and keep trying to find a cure – or atleast better medicine. Thank you so much for your purchase – I’m overwhelmed with the response and can’t wait to sit down properly and push the proceeds to the charity!
Thank you again Leanne!
P.S. I’m super conscious of the fact that the totes will take 2 or so weeks for delivery so thank you for understanding! xx