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Unwind with Wealth Words


Coffee breaks are probably my favourite time of day. Take two of my favourite things – coffee and idleness – and mash them together into 15 minutes of joy. I’ve added a third treat to give my brain a boost during ‘me’ time: a quick game of Wealth Words.

Have you heard of Wealth Words? It’s a new online puzzle game that you can play anywhere and get ze little grey cells firing. It looks like a crossword puzzle with cryptic clues, but you can only enter a single letter for each line. As an added bonus, there’s a prize if you get the answers right. Intrigued? Read on.

At first glance, it seems simple enough: read the clues and enter a single letter to complete the word in one hour. But take a closer look, and you’ll notice there’s more than one possible answer. The only problem is, only one of them is correct.

Channel your inner Poirot and think like a detective

I’ve started looking for the hidden clues in the words provided. Sometimes, this tactic works – although at others there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason when the correct answer is revealed.

My answers are dead wrong. This is tricky!

For example, one clue stated:

The solicitor had numerous DE_REES to rely on in order to best represent his client’s case.

Both ‘degrees; and ‘decrees’ make sense, but in relation to the keywords solicitor and represent, decrees makes more sense. Fortunately, I was lucky with this one and it was the correct answer.

But at other times, this tactic doesn’t strike gold.

A recently completed clue asked:

An amateur yachtsman when sailing and feeling unwell might blame the feeling on the S_ELL.

I went with the obvious answer related to the keywords yachtsman, sailing and unwell – ‘swell’ – but the answer was in fact ‘smell’.

I don’t even know how that makes sense, but I suppose that’s the point: when the stakes are high, the house makes the rules. With a hefty Division 1 prize pool, you need both your brain and good luck on your side.

TIP: Provided you have enough tokens, you can attempt any puzzle more than once to see if the other possible answer is the correct one.

Once you’ve submitted your puzzle, it tells you how many of the 20 answers were correct without telling you the actual answers until the game is complete. So if you’d like to increase your chances of getting the highest number of correct answers, all you have to do is play again and decide which answers to keep, and which you’d like to update.

Afternoon coffee break with a soy latte from @sideshowcoffeeprahran and a game of @wealth.words

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Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get 20/20 correct answers

Sure, there is an element of chance involved, although your ability to think creatively is the main aspect of the game. Besides, you’re more likely come away with a win from the Division 2 Prize Pool.

Although it’s considerably less, essentially all players with the highest number of correct answers are awarded their share. The About Page does a better job of answering the ins and outs of each Division, so I won’t attempt to explain it here.

While the prize-aspect is a nice little treat, it isn’t the reason I enjoy playing this brain trainer during my coffee break. I think the best part is letting yourself think a little differently and doing something more productive than checking Facebook for the 100th time that day.

It’s not an app, but plays beautifully on your mobile devices

At first I thought it was a little odd that this wasn’t an app. It’s not something I’m likely to play on my desktop, as I only really use my laptop for work.

But it’s been designed to work beautifully on mobile devices. Whether you’re taking a break at work and want to play a quick puzzle on your smartphone, or relaxing into the lounge on a lazy Saturday with your iPad, Wealth Words looks great and plays easily on any device.

So next time 3:30-itis hits wherever you are in the world, grab a latte and put your thinking cap on with a game of Wealth Words.

In Japan? Play Wealth Words at my favourite cafe in Kitahama, Osaka: The Brooklyn Roasting Company They have free wifi and amazing coffee!


This is the first Sponsored Post to be featured on SASCHEUR. Please be assured that ALL opinions are my own. I enjoyed playing this game, and I think you will, too.


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